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This game has some serious potential if it's fleshed out a bit more and the bugs removed (on Day 3 I went into the school kid's house, left, and the game froze). I think it's due to the refresh rate on my monitor (165).

I'm sorry to hear about the crash. I'm afraid I don't have the source code on me at the moment, but I feel the problem was on my end and not yours (though if you want to try it on a different monitor just to check then be my guest). Also, thank you for the feedback, and it was an honour to see you play it on stream!

Unable to leave the first area, Startinton Village.
The signs/wooden barricades blocks the exit. 

Was this Day 1 or Day 3?

Day 1 (The day when the game was uploaded.)
I've talked to the village chief, gave me weapon auto equipped, saying goodbye to family, lastly I think is here

Although I didn't receive a update for fix, if the meaning of day 3.

I see! At this point you're meant to go to bed, though I suppose that I didn't make it very obvious. I'm going to try and work on an update with some sort of objective screen, but for now I'll give you the advice that if you don't know what to do then either go to bed or talk to the Wizard. Really sorry for the confusing game design on my part!

Please leave feedback, I'd love to hear what you all thought of it be it positive or negative!